회사명: (합)신한건설 / 주소: 전북특별자치도 익산시 옛둑2길118-15(석탄동)
TEL: 063-842-2772~3 / FAX: 063-843-8883 / e-mail: shinhan1958@hanmail.net
copyrightⓒ2011 shinhanc.com
model |
dia- meter |
length | weight | freq- uency |
aircon- sumptiun |
working pressure | Applications |
mm | m | kg | b/min | m3/min | bar | ||
TU 080 plus S | 80 | 130 | 36 | 395 | 1.8 | 6-7 | Rams
steel pipes up to 200mm Φ. Can be used as an underground piercing tool without modification. |
TU 105 S | 105 | 140 | 56 | 360 | 2.4 | 6-7 | Rams
steel pipes up to 200mm Φ. Can be used as an underground piercing tool or for pipe bursting without modification. |
T 135 S | 135 | 155 | 105 | 350 | 2.4 | 6-7 | Rams
steel pipes up to 310mm Φ. Can be used as an underground piercing tool or pipe bursting without modification. |
TU 155 F | 155 | 170 | 142 | 330 | 3.0 | 6-7 | Rams
steel pipes up to 400mm Φ. Can be used as an underground piercing tool or for pipe bursting without modification. |
TR 190 mini | 190 | 90 | 110 | 550 | 4.0 | 6-7 | Rams
steel pipes up to 350mm Φ. Very short mini ram for limited space ((man hole-to-man hole)) bursting applications. |
TR 210(F) | 210 | 160 | 298 | 320 | 7 | 6-7 | Rams
steel pipes up to 600mm Φ. Can be used as for pipe bursting applications without modification. |
TR 325/360 | 325 /360 | 175 | 663 | 280 | 12 | 6-7 | Rams
steel pipes up to 1000mm Φ. Can be used as for pipe bursting applications without modification. |
TR 510 TWIN(F) |
510 /540 | 185 | 1625 | 250 | 27 | 6-7 | Rams steel pipes up to 1500mm Φ. |
TR 540XL(F) |
510 /540 | 230 | 2385 | 195 | 34 | 6-7 | Rams steel pipes up to 2000mm Φ. |